Thursday, May 8, 2008

chaos, crisis and can somebody help me please!

ted had worship practice, so i was flying solo on taking alan and maya to alan's baseball game. going to baseball games with maya is not the easiest task in the world. she is at a delightful age where everything is a game and she relies on her cuteness to get her out of trouble. well, cuteness or screaming, usually the latter after the cuteness fails to charm me (a very hard task). so anyway, i'm chasing maya around the ballfield trying to make sure she doesn't spend too much time talking to weird people, trying to watch my stuff so it doesn't get stolen and trying to watch alan play baseball (why are we here again? oh yeah, to watch alan.) I grabbed maya one last time off the field and turned around and my son is standing on 2nd base with the ball in his glove and some sad sack from the other team is walking off the field from 2nd base. wooohooooo alan! apparently he made the game winning play! the coach gave him a "player of the game award" and I almost started crying i was so proud.

once we got home, i remembered that maya had a diaper rash and i thought she might need some naked time to air stuff out. so i stripped her and she proceeded to dance and sing naked around the house. something about being naked makes that girl very happy. i was trying to watch her for signs of going potty while doing other stuff one must do when they have two kids a husband and a house (don't ask me what because I'm not even sure). i had turned on some music for her to dance to and i looked over at her at one point and she was rolling around on the floor and then she was, um....pooping. right on the carpet. she kind of freaked out, and looked at me like "mommy there is nothing to catch my poooooooooop!" in my genius, quick thinking mode, i picked her up and put her on the toilet (hey, why not start right that minute?). she didn't like that very much.

so while, i'm putting her in a diaper, two of my friends show up and alan opens the door for them and says "you can't walk on the carpet." they ask why and he says "because maya pooped on it." oh. my. goodness.

luckily it was easily cleaned up and they didn't mind much.....until they stepped in pee on the way out the door.

also luckily one of my new goals is to go with the flow a little better and not be so anxious and uptight about everything. so i just told myself "no big deal" and moved on.
are you impressed? because i'm impressed with myself. poop on the floor, friends coming over, crazy is good.


brad said...


All that happening and you still say 'life is good', no problem? Sounds like you don't need much help. And remind me to come to you for advice when we have two kids running around throwing baseballs and pooping on the carpet.

Though if I have my way there won't be any baseball, and if Sarah has hers there won't be any carpet...

sarah said...

i am impressed. but i might start leaving my shoes on when i come over...

Michelle said...

I love, love, love that you used your new tool "no big deal"!! These are the moments that will make you smile forever so really they are "no big deal" in terms of stress and a "great big deal" in terms of wonderful memories of your children. You're a great Momma!