Saturday, June 7, 2008

51% of the time

alan is in rare form today. here is from a random conversation:

alan: i just learned that there are more girls than boys.

me: yeah, i think like 51%. where did you hear that?

alan: i just learned it from myself.

me: did it just pop into your brain or did you hear it somewhere?

alan: i heard it. why do boys want to become girls? then there are just more girls. a boy wants to be a girl and then there goes another girl. and then there goes another girl. they just want to become girls and then there are more girls.

me: um, yeah. why don't you, uh.....

alan: play on the playstation 2?

me. um, yeah.

alan: ok. so now you don't have to take care of me. i'll just take care of myself.

me: i love you.

seriously, i think i should be voted mother of the year. where is ted when i need him?


Anonymous said...

it's scary when they start to talk back and actually make sense some of the time!

sarah said...

once again....a wonderful hilarious world

Ritzckrakr said...

coming from my own realization of pass experiences disrupting my natural progression, don't dismiss original thought just b/c it can't be subjected to the rigors of scientific method!

Scanfam said...

i didn't dismiss it...i was speechless.